Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hezbollah-Israel War Made Simple

It's a good, 2 1/2 minute explanation of the current war. Thanks to Shimshon9 ( for bringing this to my attention.

Great song too; but as they said in the movie Jarhead, "This is Vietnam music....Can't we get our own music?" Whatever. I grew up on those movies. It works for me.

Iran Possibly Backing Somali Islamists

The Houston Chronicle (credit for inserted photo) reports accusations by the Somali government that Iran, Egypt and Lybia are shipping arms to Somali Islamists.

Iran....aren't they backing Hamas, Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists, too?
BAIDOA, Somalia — Somalia's prime minister charged Saturday that Egypt, Libya and Iran are arming the Islamic militants who challenge his rule, lengthening the list of countries accused of fueling this country's political chaos.
Reuters reported:
The shooting of Constitution and Federalism Minister Abdallah Deerow Isaq as he left Friday prayers in a Baidoa mosque triggered riots and heightened fears of a slide to all-out conflict in the violence-plagued Horn of Africa nation.

Hamas Video Translated - What Peace???

People are often filled with rays of hope and speak with enthusiasm when talks of "cease-fires" or "hudnas" begin.

The video above shows why fighting terror must never stop, why cease-fires must be withdrawn from the current lexicon and what it is that the enemy truly wants.

We thank The Middle East Media Research Institute for translating the texts of this vidoe.

A Call To Arms

An invitation to U.S. Servicemen and Women to Help Spread the Truth

Exit The Cave ( is about spreading the truth - helping people exit their proverbial caves and realize why Osama and Nasrallah are in theirs (sometimes literally). Understanding that the fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Chechnya, Somalia and places all over the world are, in fact, the same fight.

I've been hearing in the last few days that there are Americans who support the fight in Israel yet at the same time are against the fight in Iraq. This is quite disturbing, and this is why I'm asking for your help.

The Cave has contributors who are past and reserve members of the IDF, but we know that there's nothing like hearing from one's own. For that reason I'm asking for U.S. marines, sailors, soldiers, pilots, airmen, etc. to email us ( with your thoughts, stories, opinion, analysis and anything else you may like to write.

I will try to post two such letters a day, and up to four or five on Fridays.

Please include (when security allows) your name, rank, hometown and station, if possible.

I look forward to hearing from you and helping others understand why we need to support all troops fighting. "Never stop fighting 'till the fight is done."
- Elliot Ness, The Untouchables
Picture Source: AllPosters

Thursday, July 27, 2006



Congressional Israel Allies Caucus Launched

News From
Florida's 15th District -- Serving Brevard, Indian River, Osceola, and Polk Counties

Congressional Leaders Announce
Formation of New Congressional Caucus

"Congressional Israel Allies Caucus"

Press Conference: Thursday, July 27, at 3pm, RHOB 2358

WASHINGTON, DC... Reps. Dave Weldon, M.D. (R-FL), Eliot Engel (D-NY), and Trent Franks (R- AZ) will announce the formation of the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus at a press conference tomorrow afternoon at 3pm in Rayburn House Office Building 2358.

The announcement comes as Israel continues to face international pressure to agree to a premature ceasefire as it confronts terrorist threats from Hezbollah and Hamas.
Below is a brief description of the Caucus' purpose:

Israel receives tremendous support from numerous Christian groups and denominations in the United State and around the world. Acknowledging this, on January 5, 2004, a Christian Allies Caucus was formed in the Israeli Knesset, Israel's parliamentary assembly. Its mission is to develop lines of communication between Knesset members and many of these Christian groups that support Israel’s right to exist and prosper within safe and secure borders.

The Congressional Israel Allies Caucus is America's response to that initiative. We intend to join with the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the other caucuses in legislatures around the world to support Israel's right to live in peace within safe and secure borders and to promote the Judeo-Christians values upon which western civilization was built.

Weldon and Engel will co-chair the caucus.

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Send an IDF Soldier a Message

Clicking on the link below will take you to a site that allows you to send a message of support to an IDF soldier.

Every message is delivered with chocolate.

Click here and show them you care.

Fallen Boys

These boys, z''l, fell yesterday in Lebanon.

Nasrallah meeting Iran Nuke Man in Syria

The Jerusalem Post reports that Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was taken to Syria by Syrian intelligence.
He is scheduled to meet Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani and perhaps with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Can't Learn this in College - Our Heroic Defenders of Freedom and Life

Defenders of freedom don't enjoy the freedom of time to organize protests against those who fight terror. They're young, honorable patriots who think of their people and country first. The following are incredible words of inspiration given by a commander to his 19 year-old soldiers, most only 8 months in the army, some of whom have been in Gaza, and are now going into Lebanon. Excerpts are from an article appearing in Haaretz.

"It's our turn now," said Captain Ori Lavie. "It's our turn to protect the border. And we'll carry out any mission we need to, against any force, in the best way possible. If we don't, we have no right to exist."

"We will not lose this war. We did not start it, but it's our duty to protect the
Jewish nation and see to it that the residents of Metula and Haifa can live in peace. If we don't do it, no one will. We waited 2,000 years for our own state, and we won't fold because a group of terrorists think that they can scare us."

"Someone who cannot protect his freedom does not deserve it...When missiles and rockets land on all the northern cities and reach Haifa, and when two of our soldiers have been kidnapped and ten have been killed and dozens have been wounded - this is no time to talk, it's time to fight. From the moment we cross the border, you must be super alert, super sharp. We are threatened from every side. Each of you is responsible for his comrades."

"Everyone here must be alert and do everything possible to spot the terrorist first," Lavie told them. "We must be the ones to open fire first, we must surprise them, not the other way around. Everyone is responsible for his own life, the life of his comrade and all our lives. We're all in the same boat."

"I've been in the army for six years, and have never had as much confidence as I have in this company," said Lavie. "You've proved yourselves more than once, not only in fighting. We did well in training, we did well in Gaza, we'll do well now. There is no better company than this one. You are lions. No one will kill terrorists like this company."

Cell Phones and Terror War

How does a military, fighting terrorists who embed themselves aomngst civilians, keep civilian causalties to a minimum? Easy. Make a phone call. According to the Jerusalem Post, the IDF is calling Palestinians in Gaza and warning them to stay away from terrorist houses and other infrastructures. It's simple. A call comes through with a recorded warning. A few hours later the terrorist house is blown up. Can't say they didn't warn you.

Smokey the Bear vs. Nasrallah

The DZ Zone
Contributing Columnist "DZ" (Who Fought Hezbollah Back in the Day) Reminds Us that "Only You Can Stop Forest Fires"

Because of the complexity of any and all situations in the Middle East, I found it important to have a way to explain the situation to others who have no knowledge in a simple and fast way. I thought I would pass it on so that you, the intelligent truth seekers, will have another way to pass on the information to those who don’t know what’s going on.

My explanation of the current situation in Lebanon is as follows:

Forest fires are a natural phenomenon. They happen naturally and are a way for Mother Nature to clear out the old, dead biomass that collects on the forest floor, thus allowing new, stronger life, who use the nutrients of previous generations to grow out of the ashes. When firefighters appeared on the scene in order to protect solely human interests, this natural act was not allowed to go full course, leaving more flammable biomass on the forest floor every year that passes. The original fire would only burn the small weeds and bush on the ground and would allow the larger more successful trees to flourish with more resources from the ground. As time goes by, without this natural cleansing operation by Mother Nature, the amount of biomass becomes dangerous and when unleashed it is unstoppable until it burns completely out. This time it takes the big trees with it, leaving only destruction and black scorched fields in its path.

Now take out “Forest fire” and change it with “war”. Change “firefighters” to “UN”. Change “biomass” to “Hezbollah”. It may be a bit Darwinian, but it more or less works.

In 18 years of occupation in Lebanon (2.5 of which I was an occupier) the brush fires were allowed to burn in skirmishes between IDF forces and Hezbollah or Am’al, another Iranian-backed terrorist organization, established in 1975. In the last years of the occupation more fires were put out by the UN or other international or internal “firefighters”. This allowed the build-up of flammable biomass, a dangerous situation that threatens everything in its path.

When we left Lebanon in 2000 in order to relieve ourselves from even the brushfires, we forgot one thing: that the biomass is already in place and it has to burn sometime, and the longer we wait, the hotter the fire; sometimes hotter than one can handle, even for the “firefighters”.

We now look back and see that our mistake was in not allowing the whole forest to burn, to rid itself of all biomass, before we left. We looked back then and saw “firefighters” with blue helmets and felt that we were in good hands.

So now the 6 years of biomass has collected and turned itself into a refined flammable liquid. The formidable death squads of Hezbollah have been on a 6 year training break while the IDF reshaped its strategy to urban warfare, such as the type engaged in by the IDF in Operation Defensive Shield. The last of the IDF “Lebanon Generation” has been out of the army for 5 years, and there is too much for the officers and veterans to teach the urban warriors of today. A mass reserve call-up of Lebanon veterans will be a less painful way to push the Hezbollah at least to the Litani River. The biomass now has the ability to spit fire to what was once thought as unattainable distances, Haifa, Tiberius, and likely Netanya and Tel Aviv. Everyone I know has been affected by the situation and the repercussions of the damage we will only know in the end. One third of the population has been paralyzed, and robbed. The situation is unacceptable, and we are starting to smell the smoke here in the center of Israel. Smoke makes us sneeze here and when we sneeze, people die.

Lebanon is burning and it will for a while, and we need to make sure it burns until there is no more biomass left.

We hope to control the fire or at least direct it. But it may spread east (Syria), and east of east (Iran). It all depends how much biomass has built up there, and from what I have heard, they are knee-deep in it. Meanwhile in Dahiyye, Herat Hreik, el-Hiam or Bint Jbail, we must use the fan.

But it all must burn, all of it.

No firefighters, no morning dew to dowse the flames, no hope of shifting winds - just fire.

Smokey the Bear doesn’t have a work permit in the Middle East.

Hezbollah's Sense of Humor

This is too much. From a Hezbollah web site.

We don't seek the application of Islam by force or violence but by peaceful political action, which gives the opportunity for the majority in any society to adopt or rejectit. If Islam becomes the choice of the majority then we will apply it, if not, we will continue to coexist and discuss till we reach correct beliefs.

We hereby affirm that our Islam rejects violence as a method to gain Power, and this should be the formula for the nonislamists as well.

Iran Daily Threatens More Surprises

The Iran Daily, an English-language publication, has published a "perspective" piece by Mohammad Reza Erfanian which is worthy of note for two reasons.

1) The piece suggests three times the existence further and as-of-yet unused weapons in Hezbollah's arsenal.
At a time when Hezbollah has shown only a part of its military prowess in confronting Tel Aviv'’s deadly military machine, Zionist premier, Ehud Olmert and Shimon Perez are showing signs of frustration and possibly fear.

Unlike Tel Aviv, which has started a dangerous war and save for nuclear weapons used all its offensive military might, Hezbollah has made known only a part of its ability yet managed to cripple the Zionists.

Even if a ceasefire takes hold, few doubt Israel will be able to bully and intimidate the popular resistance group again. Colossal damage has been done to the Zionists and Hezbollah says the worse is still to come.
Israeli Defense Forces have found Iranian weaponry in Southern Lebanon. Iran is a known supporter of Hezbollah.

2) Not only Israel is cited, but its "bankrollers" in the U.S. and Europe are also mentioned.
Israel'’s bankrollers in Washington, Berlin, Paris and London, only to name a few, are working hard for disarming Hezbollah sooner rather than later and pushing it further away from southern Lebanon and the ’border with Israel.
The Israel-Hezbollah War is about much more than Israel and Hezbollah. This war is the first pain of a coming international crisis. The need to deal with Iran is not an Israeli one alone. It is one the world must face toegther.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Giving up the Farm

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the U.S. would like Israel to open discussions with Syria over the Shaba farms, territory disputed by Syria and Israel which is often used as a pretext by Hezbollah for attacking Israel.
Regarding the day after the fighting, however, one component to emerge from Rice's meetings here Tuesday was a feeling among the Americans that eventually getting to a "cessation of hostilities" will entail both Israel and Lebanon - Lebanon, not Hezbollah - being able to point to some kind of victory. In this formula, Israel's victory would clearly be a roundly defeated Hezbollah pushed back from the northern border. For the Lebanese, a victory could be an Israeli withdrawal from Mount Dov, and a massive international aid package.
Lebanese Prime Minister Saniora, at a press conference yesterday in Rome, made several "demands" that must be met for a cease fire to work. Saniora demanded release of prisoners, the production of military maps and the release of "occupied territories".

Allowing Lebanon, after Saniora's demands have been made, to in any way claim victory in this war will ecncourage terror similar to that of Hezbollah in the future. The people of Lebanon must know that this war was a result of terror against Israel, based from their country. They must not profit from it in any way. Syria must profit from it in no way. There is only one way out of this war: destroying Hezbollah.

Anything short of this, anything suggesting victory for Hezbollah, the Lebanese or the Syrians, will prove another form of appeasement.

The US and Israel: Fighting Together


In November, 2001, I was in New York. I remember walking down the street and seeing a fire truck, American flag proudly waving. I stopped and said to one of the fireman, "I just got here from Jerusalem. We're all with you." He smiled and thanked me.

The other day I saw video of fire trucks up north racing to the site of a missile attack with large Israeli flags proudly waving. But this isn't 9/11. This is worse. This is Al Qaeda shooting at Manhattan from Queens.

Today we lost 9 boys. Dozens of others have been injured. We were told tonight by our Prime Minister that this will not last months. My response to that statement: I don't care how long it lasts, just get it done. But I'm not in a shelter. I did spend my share of years in Jerusalem while bombs were going off all the time. Buses, pizza shops, open malls and any other type of public arena were all targeted. I lost count of the number I heard. I can still see the horrible sights if I think about the bombings to which I was witness. So maybe I do have a say.

I know that if we stop before we're done, if we do not eradicate Hezbollah, defeat it to the point that it no longer poses a threat to Israel's Northern communities, we will not only face them again later, we will lose deterrent power. Israel is facing the same problem the U.S. is facing in Iraq. But there really is no problem. Defeating the enemy is the only solution.

People have been told again and again that this war, this Global War on Terror, will take years, tens of years. The world, reluctant to accept that there are things worth fighting and dying for, is fighting us. Calls today by Kofi Annan, the Italian Foreign Minister and Lebanese Prime Minister for an immediate cease fire (on the part of Israel, since they did not once name Hezbollah) nearly overshadowed the brave stance of the United States' Secretary Rice.

Israel and the U.S. are two lights unto the nations. Together they must continue to fight. Together they must not give in to the calls for surrender. If either goes, the other will too.

This fight is ours together.

Somalia Update

The U.S. is pressing Somalia's neighbor's not to interfere with its domestic affairs. The administration, as reported by VOA News, is pressing for the interim government and Islamists to commit to talks.

Arms to Somali Islamists - More War on the Way

Arms shipments to Islamists in Somalia have been reported by the Houston Chronicle. Another Islamist-government war in the making. Where's the UN? Perhaps the idea of a no-fly zone should be entertained.
A spokesman for the country's official government, based 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu, said the plane was carrying land mines, bombs and long-range guns from Eritrea for a militia loyal to the Supreme Islamic Courts Council, the group that controls Mogadishu.

UPDATE: Rome Conference on Israel-Hezbollah War

International leaders met in Rome and discussed the Israel-Hezbollah war. Hezbollah was not mentioned specifically by name in official statements, but came up later in questions.

There was no consensus among the leaders, who included Lebanese Prime Minister Seniora, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema and US Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice.

The Italian FM called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. Kofi Annan stressed the need for humanitarian aid and an immediate cease fire. The Lebanese Prime Minister stressed Israel's role in the "occupation" of territories and insinuated that Israel used the kidnapping of its soldiers as an excuse for a pre-planned invasion and re-occupation of Lebanon.

Only US Secretary of State Rice stressed the need for a cease fire that will NOT create a return to the status quo.

Kofi Annan, answering a question about his accusation that Israel deliberately attacked the UNIFL forces, qualified his statement with the word "apparent" but stressed that all UN locations were known to Israeli forces, an insulation that Israel knew what it was doing. He was also asked if his accusations affect his abilities as an honest peace-broker, but did not answer that question.

As well, the Lebanese Prime Minister made certain demands for a cease fire, including the release of prisoners, military maps from Israel and the relinquishing of "occupied territory".

These demands were not challenged by any of those calling for an unconditional and immediate cessation of hostilities.

Israel-Hezbollah War: Heavy Fighting in Bint Jbail

The IDF has sustained casualties in intense fighting -some of it close-quarter-combat - with Hezbollah terrorists in the village of Bint Jbail in Lebanon.

Israel Channel 2 reports 20 injured soldiers have arrived in a Haifa hospital for treatment. It also reports the possibility of more reserve call-ups. The danger in calling up more reserves lay in Syria's assumption that such a move would mean preparation for war with Syria - thus existentially escalating the chance for a broader war. Syrian military forces have been put on a higher state of alert. Syria has Iranian and Russian-made missiles and rockets in its stockpiles, as well as tanks, apc's and an air force.

According the the CIA World Factbook:
Syrian available manpower: males age 18-49: 4,356,413 females age 18-49: 4,123,339 (2005 est.)
Syrian manpower fit for service: males age 18-49: 3,453,888
females age 18-49: 3,421,558 (2005 est.)
Extensive information on the Syrian military is available at
As of 2003 Syria had a combined total of several hundred Scud and SS-21 SRBMs [short-range ballistic missiles], and is believed to have chemical warheads available for a portion of its Scud missile force. Syria's missiles are mobile and can reach much of Israel from positions near their peacetime garrisons and portions of Iraq, Jordan, and Turkey from launch sites well within the country.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Video that Must be Seen! Amazing Rebuke of Islamic Terror by Arab-American on Aljazeera

Thanks to Ben for alerting me to this great video.

Dr. Wafa Sultan, a naturalized Arab-American, in a February interview, demonstrated bravery of the highest order.

Dr. Sultan, on Aljazeera, rebuked Muslim society for a "mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages" and for being "primitive". Citing terror and violence, she attacked the endorsement of such behavior. She has since received death threats.

In an interview with the New York Times she said that
"Knowledge has released me from this backward thinking. Somebody has to help free the Muslim people from these wrong beliefs."
The article also states that
Shortly after the broadcast, clerics in Syria denounced her as an infidel. One said she had done Islam more damage than the Danish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad, a wire service reported.
View what she said on Aljazeera on i film. Dr. Sultan writes for Annaqed (The Critic). I strongly recommend that everyone take a look at Annaqed. The bravery of its authors is commendable. Alan Caruba's article, "The Fate of Lebanon and the Rest of Us" pertains to what is now happening in Lebanon.

Annaqed states on its homepage that it does not allow the use of its material without permission. I have requested this right. Hopefully they will grant it and I will be able to bring you more from Annaqed in the future.

Annan Watch

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has referred to the killing of three (and what will most likely be four) UN personnel by an Israeli air strike as deliberate. Annan made this statement before any investigation had been carried out. Israeli reaction was quick and as one would expect: an apology for the accident and a vow to investigate what had happened.

So why does Annan rush to judgment? Allow me to point out two reasons. First, Annan is fishing. He's desperate. He wants to create a ceasefire so that a) Israel will not be able to destroy Hezbollah and so thatb) the "New Middle East", as described by U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice will not come into being.

Apparently, Annan likes the Middle East of Old. Annan's rush for a cease fire may be the result of misunderstanding his role. Ensuring quiet (which is quite different from Peace), Chamberlin-style, is not the same as ensuring peace. Promoting moral equivalency does not make people of the world more equal. It gives terrorists more footing.

A few days ago a UNIFL soldier in Southern Lebanon was shot and wounded. He was rushed to an Israeli hospital for treatment. I didn't hear anything from Annan about that one. Did any of you?

Photo source:
Photo source:

War Can't Stop the Economy

HP is buying Israeli software company Mercury for a price 33% higher than market value, at $4.5 Billion. The sale marks the second-highest acquisition of an Israeli company ever, the highest for the Israeli high-tech sector.

Coming Soon

An Israeli in Haifa will soon be sharing her thoughts and comments on living under rockets with Exit The Cave.

Check up with us soon.

Angry Annan

UN Secretary General is reported by Fox News as being very angry that four UN soldiers were killed in a recent Israeli airstrike.

There is no reason for those soldiers to be in Lebanon. They are being unecessarily exposed to danger. The press is all over the place, for those who believe someone needs to be there to protect civilians. Wait a second...since when hasUNIFL protected civilians?

Update: Somalia Situation

Another Islamist-Government War in the Making

Apparently, Somali Islamists have ruled out peace talks with the government only hours after the transitional government agreed to them. The point of dispute: Ethiopian troops, said to be inside Somalia. The government denies their presence, though witnesses claim otherwise. Ethiopians and Islamists based in Somalia have fought in the past. Check out Aljazeera English (in now way an endorsment of Aljazeera's anti-West rhetoric), or the Houston Chronicle.

UPDATE: Israel-Hezbollah War

1:30 AM, Israel

Shepard Smith of Fox News reports that Nasrallah is now saying Hezbollah will strike deeper into Israel. It is known that Hezbollah has been supplied with long-range missiles. It was reported yesterday that a long-range missile was launched and hit the Mediterranean Sea.

Senator Russ Feingold Urges Condmnation, but NOT the Destruction of, Terrorist Groups

Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin made a statement regarding the war between Israel and Hezbollah. Unfortunately, he failed to call for the destruction of terrorist groups. Senator Feingold urged state-sponsors of terrorism (without referring to them as such) to condemn the actions of terrorists (without referring to them as such) which block the peace process (which has not existed for a number of years - arguably since 2000). From the Senator's website:

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold
On the Hezbollah Attacks on Israel

July 14, 2006

“I stand firmly with the people of Israel and their government as they defend themselves against these outrageous attacks. The kidnapping of Israeli soldiers and missile attacks against Israeli citizens are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. The first steps toward establishing peace must begin with the unconditional and immediate return of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Lebanon, Syria, Iran and countries throughout the region must also condemn the actions of Hezbollah, Hamas, and other groups committed to blocking the peace process and must take strong actions to return stability to the region immediately.”

If the Senator has made a statement calling on the destruction of Hezbollah, Hamas and other organizations I would be happy to see it. I will post any statement the Senator has made endorsing their destruction.

Living in a Country at War - Away from the Rockets

Greg Tepper

I've lived here long enough and seen enough news to know what happens when there's a terror attack. The names of all those murdered are listed on the TV. Families and friends talk about them and funerals are shown. It gets you down. But the next day you go back to work, back to school.

This is the first time I've lived in a country at war in the traditional sense, while this is by no means a traditional war. I hear that 20-some soldiers have been killed. This many civilians have been killed. But that's not where my attention is. It's with the war. It's with the living in Haifa, Safed, Kiryat Shmona and all other places in the north. People are under attacks by terrorists down South as well, where rockets are continuing to fall from Gaza. But no one is there to report it (save for Dana Lewis), so they don't make sounds.

I'm wondering what it will be like afterwards. How will we mourn those who have been killed? How will those who have been living underground for weeks, and will for weeks, suddenly go back to normal.

I don't know how. We just do it. I did it in Jerusalem while people were blowing themselves up for years. I lost count of the number of them I heard. Too many friends were injured. But we did it. We got up and did what we had to do the next day. We also started going out again. Having fun again.

But, like I said, this is different. I don't know what to expect. I do know this: today a plane of Jews from France landed in Israel, making aliyah, becoming citizens. The kissed the ground without trepidation and smiled and sang.

We Jews, we people chased for millennia, can not stop smiling. This I have learned thus far while living in a country at war. I've heard the bombs. Now they're hearing and feeling the bombs. At one point or another, all Jews feel the bombs. But we smile and kiss the ground and dance and sing when we get home.

There's nothing better than living at home, with your family - no matter how bad the war gets. It's our war. We'll fight it. And we'll smile and dance and sing.

Why the Somalia Updates?

I've been asked why I'm updating the Somalia situation. It's quite simple. The War on Terror is global. Fighting is taking place and terror being planned on all continents. I update the Somali situation because of the lack of coverage it is receiving. If Somalia falls completely to Islamists, and international organizations are removed, future war will be all but assured with a country that will become Talibanesque in its demeanor and support for Al Qaeda. The Horn of Africa is an extremely important strategic location. Unfortunately, too many are in the cave and don't understand that we must fight the fight wherever global security is threatened.

Disagree? Post your comment.

Progress in Israel-Hezbollah War

Shepard Smith of Fox News has just reported progress along the Israel-Lebanon border in the fight against Hezbollah terrorists. Terrorists are being squeezed. The fight will take more time.

He also reported that there are reports coming out of Lebanon that Hezbollah did not expect Israel to react this way after the kidnapping and murder (my words) of soldiers (yes, I repeat, they were murdered in an unprovoked attack across an international boarder).

They obviously perceived Israel as weak or weakened. Terrorists can not be shown weakness. It only encourages more terror.

A 15 year old girl from a Druze villiage was murdered today by a Hezbollah rocket.

UPDATE: Peace Talks in Somalia - Victory for Islamists - The UN at Work

Reuters is reporting that the Somali Interim Government has agreed to peace talks with Islamist rebels - with no preconditions. The UN is about to assist in achieving for Somalia what is desired by so many for Israel - failure. Israel, however, is strong enough to demand conditions and refuse to negotiate a ceasefire with terrorists. The U.S. understands the need to fight terror. It seems that while one battle in the Global War is being fought - and will hopefully be won - another is about to be lost. Terrorists see concessions as weakness and small victories on the way to a larger glorious Islamic world. The U.S. has fought in Somalia before. It appears it may have to again in the future. Excerpts from Reuters:

"We will go to Khartoum without any preconditions," said Abdirizak Adam, interim President Abdullahi Yusuf's chief of staff, after talks with a senior U.N. envoy in the government's base in the provincial town of Baidoa.

From their stronghold in the capital, the Islamists said they were committed to talks, adding that their delegates were in Khartoum waiting for government representatives.

"We are still committed to a negotiated settlement with the TFG (transitional federal government)," the statement said.

Spy Games - Cyber-Style

Know where a Hezbollah terrorist is? Want to be a patriot?

Harry showed this site to me and I thought it was pretty interesting. Ever think of helping the cause? Note the Request at the end:
For your own safety, please contact us from places where no one knows you.
There are so many fronts in this war it never ceases to amaze me.

Why the UN Won't and Can't Keep the Peace in Lebanon

The calls and clamor of the likes of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, French President Jacques Chirac and U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinch, who called on President Bush to implement an immediate ceasefire, are lacking either rational thought or a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground, at best. At worst, major political leaders are willing to sacrifice the Jewish State for the price of oil or in the name of hatred. Kucinich himself called upon Bush

"to appeal to all sides in the current crisis in the Middle East for an immediate cessation of violence and to commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions." (Dennis Kucinich: Insight and Action Home Page)

An immediate cessation of violence means a unilateral ceasefire on the part of Israel alone or UN recognition of a rogue terrorist organization running a mini-state. Either way, without solving the cause of the problem - by eradicating terrorism - further and worse violence is simply a matter of time away. It took six years with Hezbollah. It took months with Hamas.

Eye on the UN reveals precisely why a new UN force will not work in Southern Lebanon. Let's be clear: no force will work until Hezbollah has been completely defeated, a job that may take months or years, as we see with the Taliban in Afghanistan. This is indeed part of the wider Global War on Terror. To think otherwise would be a grave mistake. Eye on the UN provides a link to "The UN's Failed Mission" from Canada's The National Post.

Peacekeeping is a nice idea in theory, and it has even worked once or twice in various parts of the world. But in the context of southern Lebanon, the concept is not only laughably naive, but dangerous as well.

As informed observers know, there already is a peacekeeping force in the area, and it's been there since 1978. But all the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has done is preside over the establishment of a de facto Hezbollah terrorist state let on Israel's northern border. Given the United Nations' historic antipathy toward Israel, there is little reason to suspect that even a larger, better-trained force would rouse itself to offer the Jewish state any better protection.

Please link to Eye on the UN to read the article in full, and understand why the UN must never be allowed to return to Southern Lebanon and why only coalitions of the willing will save the world from the threat that terrorism posses.

Somalia Update - G.W.O.T.'s latest front

The latest front of the Global War on Terror (WWIII, according to the distinguished former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich), is getting hotter. Looks like all-out war may be coming to Somalia, via Ethiopia. The UN, once again, is proving impotent in its ability to back up policy and words with action. This month is witnessing the great failure that is the UN. The "blue line" was violated by and Somalia's weak government is falling to Islamists. It is understood that the UN will not provide a force to ensure that Hezbollah does not once again attack Israel and potentially destabilize the Middle East. What will the UN do with regards to Somalia?

The following exerpts are from

Nairobi - Ethiopia is prepared to invade neighbouring Somalia to defend Somalia's internationally recognised government against what appeared to be an imminent attack by an Islamic militia, says a government spokesperson.

Ethiopia's minister of information Berhan Hailu said: "We have the responsibility to defend the border and the Somali government. We will crush them."

The comments came as the Islamic militia that had seized control of most of southern Somalia deployed hundreds of fighters outside the base of the United Nations-backed interim government and said they planned to seize it.

The militia's movement toward the Somali town of Baidoa immediately raised concerns about possible intervention by Ethiopia, Somalia's traditional enemy.

Video Link - Rockets Hitting Haifa

As has been said, rockets and missiles don't care if you're an Arab or a Jew, though Hezbollah prefers to kill Jews. Two video links (found on from Israel. I checked with Dov, and the consensus is that the first video was shot by Israeli Arabs, most likely in Haifa. Explosions of falling rockets/missiles are heard well in this video.

The second video was taken, I believe, with a cell phone. Both videos portray the reality in a more realistic light than what we see on the news - these are close-up.

Imagine if these were falling on New York, L.A. (don't forget North Korea) or Dallas. Secure borders and fight terror.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Video - Violence and Hatred at Anti-Israel Rally in Boston

Anti-Israel rally in Boston. The amount of hatred never ceases to amaze me.
This is a GREAT blog...what video!
Hatred of Israel and Zionists: Boston Rally Video

Michigan Publisher Osama Siblani Blasts U.S. Congress and Accuses its Members of Selling their Souls

The Arab American publisher, Osama Siblani, in an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, said the following regarding the Congress of the United States
I have already given up on the Congress of the United States. It's an occupied Israeli territory. You know, we have 435 -- another incompetent Congress, that is rubber stamping what that administration is doing when it comes to Israel.
He further stated
whether Democrats or Republican, they are committed to the help of the Israelis. They've been bought. Their soul has been bought. And therefore, talking to them is useless. Useless.
Let's not forget that Osama Siblani publishes a bilingual publication in Michigan which has the capacity to form Americans' political opinions and influence their voting behavior!!!

Click here for the transcript of the interview.

Michigan, USA - Terrorist Haven?

According to the Detroit Free Press, Osama Siblani, publisher of The Arab American News
compares Hizballah with America's founding fathers, such as George Washington, saying, "Your terrorist could be my freedom fighter. A terrorist to the Israelis could be a freedom fighter of mine."
On October 23, 1983, Hezbollah, designated a terrorist organization by the United States, attacked and murdered 241 American servicemen.

The Detroit Free Press went on to say that
The FBI in Detroit says Hizballah has a presence in Michigan, and the bureau has set up a division to investigate the Shi'ite Muslim group. In recent cases, federal agents are looking at ties to Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, a Shi'ite Muslim cleric in Lebanon who the U.S. government says is a Hizballah leader. The FBI in Detroit also has divisions that investigate Hamas and Al Qaeda, but those terrorist groups are not cited as often as Hizballah in local cases.

L.A. Stories

Thanks to our man in L.A., Eric "Indiana" B. He provided us with this link to an interesting take on the current Lebanon War "pros" and "againsts" in L.A. Eric: Get out there and take some pictures next time!!!
Eric's L.A. Times Story

Learn a Bit About Hezbollah - Lebanon's Al Qaeda

Interested in the organizational structure, history and military breakdown of Hezbollah? Check out the Suburban Emergency Management Project's Hezbollah page . You'll learn about Hezbollah's U.S. operations and see photos of members, including possible recon in front of the White House.


Kofi Annan - Why can't he say "terror"?


SHEIKH SHARIF AHMED - who is this guy?

Somali Islamists claimed another vicotry for the forces of terror. After claiming parts of the country from the government, a truce was reached. ETHIOPIAN troops are now coming in to save the day.

Here's what the BBC has to say about him:

In the mid-1980s, he went to Sudan for his higher education. There he attended the Kurdufan University at Dalanji and he majored in geography and Arabic language.

Mr Ahmed became chairman of the regional court in Jowhar but the alliance with Mr Dhere - a key member of the Anti-Terror Alliance, who still controls Jowhar - did not last long and he fled Jowhar for Mogadishu where he started teaching at Jubba Secondary school.

Although his group is in charge of the capital, the war for Mogadishu may not be over, as there are fears that the fighting might degenerate into inter-clan warfare.

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed nevertheless sounds confident that Islam will always have the upper hand.

Wierd...Al Jazeera English calls them Islamists. I'm going to get Leon on this one to see how they're referred to in the A.J. Arabic press.

OP-ED Redefining Normalcy

I was speaking to a friend who had not followed the war today. She asked me what had happened, and I told her, in Hebrew, "כרגיל", "as normal." She replied, "So we've gotten into a routine?" Following the war so closely has definitely made it routine. The routine is, of course, a nightmare for those up North and down South who are living underground. But it has, nonetheless, become routine. That is why we must keep fighting.

I remember beginning in 2000, when the Palestinian Terror War against Israel began, each bombing was new. Over time, living in Jerusalem, it became a horrifying routine, but a routine. Finally, one Pesach in 2002, the routine became too much, and we went to war. That is precisely what is happening right now.

Our enemy to the North, believing we were weak, much in the same way Osama Bin Laden thought of the United States before September 11, was attempting to define our sense of normalcy and routine in order to gain strategic goals and weaken us further. But he was mistaken.

Kidnapping soldier after soldier from within Israel proper is an attempt to create a pattern and instill fear to change the way we behave. Thankfully, our new Prime Minister, whom we all stand behind at this time of war, was not willing to allow that to happen. We in Israel have become accustomed to war. We have tried time and again to change the situation. We have gone the extra yard in offering our most precious city to the enemy. But when, after doing what the world has asked, after defining international borders and leaving our enemy alone, our children are killed and kidnapped from our own soil, we must redefine normalcy not only for ourselves, but for the enemy and all those who grant him refuge and assistance. It is our only recourse.

Current calls for a cease-fire in order to end the violence which may "spiral" out of control miss this point entirely. The worrying prospect of a greater war is one we all share - but we will do what is necessary to ensure that our children will indeed have a sense of normalcy dreamed of by generations of Jews. Fear will not define our behavior. The calls for a cease-fire miss the point that there are things in this world which must be destroyed; terror must be destroyed. Appeasement, the same type offered to a tyrant in Europe more than 60 years ago, is the fuel that promotes violence. Offering a cease-fire after vowing to destroy them in order to ensure that this routine will not remain such will mean thousands, perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dead years from now.

The War on Terror is global. The war now taking place in Northern Israel and Lebanon is evidence of the link between terrorists everywhere and their desire to change the world. Whether or not they are all working hand-in-hand is irrelevant. They have the same goal. The regimes that support them encourage the disruption of lives and economies in order to destroy the world as it exists and rebuild it in their image.

Iran’s messianic regime dreams of changing the routine of the world. It dreams of a one-world regime, dominated by the rule of Islam. It pursues the means to meet that end. It attempts to disrupt the rebirth of a new nation at its doorstep. It creates war where people want peace. It succeeds to change the agenda and routine of world diplomacy.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has defined the War on Terror as the Third World War. The current war between Israel and Hezbollah is this war's latest front. It is a front which may end in a few weeks or may take
longer. There are other determining actors other than the terrorists and the Jewish State, actors with an agenda to redefine normalcy. We must not to let this happen. We must fight this through to the end. It is our desire to change this routine, for the betterment of the world.

I wonder how many others would live with this routine. I fear how many are actually willing to fight it.